Subaru Forester

1997-2005 of release

Repair and car operation

Subaru Forester
+ Cars Subaru Forester
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ The engine
- Systems of cooling, heating
   Antifreeze - the general data
   Check of serviceability of functioning and thermostat replacement
   Removal and installation of the fan of system of cooling
   Service, removal and installation of a radiator of system of cooling
   Removal and installation of a filling tank (model with a turbo-supercharging)
   Removal, check and installation of the water pump
   System of heating and salon ventilation - the general information
   Removal and heater installation
   Removal and installation of the fan of a heater
   Check of serviceability of functioning and service of systems of heating and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Gear change box
+ Coupling, трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Мой ребенок не все ест

System of heating and salon ventilation - the general information

Assemblage of management by functioning of system of heating and salon ventilation has push-button execution and is located in the central part of the panel of devices.

The control panel functioning of systems of heating, ventilation and salon air-conditioning

1  — the  Handle of a choice of a temperature mode
2  — the  Choice of a mode of air circulation (the closed circulation/giving of external air)
3  — the  Handle of a choice of a direction of distribution of air
4  — the  Button of inclusion/deenergizing of the conditioner of air
5  — the  Lever of a choice of a high-speed mode of functioning of the fan of a heater


The system is equipped by the complete set airdistributing заслонок. Adjustment of temperature of air submitted to salon is carried out at the expense of mixing of cold air with нагретым by blowing off through the heater heat exchanger.

Air giving in salon is carried out at the expense of a pressure developed by the running stream of air during movement of the car, and also by means of the special fan through central and lateral deflectors panels of devices, air lines of forward foot wells of a nozzle blowing glasses. On some models sleeves of giving of air in foot wells of back passengers are in addition established.

Activation of the fan of system of heating becomes possible only at the included ignition (the special relay is included in an electric motor feed circuit). The choice of one of four high-speed modes of functioning of the fan is made by means of the special handle of the control panel.

Adjustment of temperature of air submitted to salon is carried out by means of the control panel of the rotary handle located in the left part. Adjustment is made in a range from a dark blue range of a scale to the red.

Choice of directions of distribution of air

By means of the second rotary handle of the panel of devices the choice of a direction of distribution of air is carried out. The regulator handle has five fixed positions. The principle of functioning of the handle is presented on an accompanying illustration.

By means of the top control lever of the panel switching of modes of air circulation (the closed circulation/giving of external air) is carried out. While translating the lever in extreme left position giving in salon of external air is completely blocked also system passes in a mode of the closed ventilation. The given mode allows to carry out fast warming up of salon in cold weather, and also prevents hit in the car of badly smelling air.

Inclusion of a mode of the closed circulation for long time can lead запотеванию glasses, besides, in view of limitation of volume the air closed in salon quickly becomes filched.

Do not forget to disconnect a mode of the closed circulation when need for it disappears!

Lever transfer in extreme right position leads to giving renewal in salon of external air.

Located in an average part of the control panel the lever switch allows to carry out a choice of a high-speed mode of functioning of the fan of a heater. The switch has four fixed positions: lever transfer in extreme left position (OFF) leads to fan switching-off, thus air giving in salon is carried out only at the expense of a pressure developed by the running stream of air during movement of the car. Positions 1, 2, 3 and 4 correspond to various high-speed modes of rotation of the fan (on increasing).

Below the lever of a choice of a high-speed mode of the fan there is a button of inclusion of the conditioner of air. The button is equipped by the built in control lamp which lights up at central air inclusion. Conditioner switching-off is made by repeated pressing of the same button.

Management дефлекторами ventilating lattices

Management principle дефлекторами panels of devices

Дефлекторы the central and lateral air lines of the panel of devices are equipped special rotary жалюзийными by the lattices, allowing to regulate a direction of giving of an air stream both in horizontal, and in vertical planes. Management дефлекторами is carried out by means of built in a lattice snuffled ring handles, intensity of giving of air through lateral nozzles is regulated built in facing дефлектора by a ring regulator.

Instructions on use of systems of ventilation, heating and air conditioning

Detailed maintenance instructions of systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning in various environmental conditions are more low resulted. The information on is presented attention of the reader how to provide effective ventilation, heating and air cooling in car salon, and also how quickly to remove from glasses a condensate and hoarfrost.

All considered systems function only at the started engine. As a working body for a heater the cooling liquid of the engine is used. If the engine is not heated-up to normal working temperature, some minutes before in salon warm air will start to move is required. Work of a central air of air does not depend on temperature of a cooling liquid of the engine.

In overwhelming majority of cases the best efficiency of functioning of the systems providing a comfortable microclimate, is reached in a giving mode in salon of external air. Long inclusion of a mode of the closed circulation, especially at the idle conditioner of air, leads запотеванию glasses and to increase спертости air, therefore it is recommended to include the given mode only in case of need and for rather short time, for example, at movement on district with the filled with smoke or polluted atmosphere. As soon as necessity of isolation of salon will disappear, giving in salon of fresh air should be renewed.

External atmospheric air arrives in systems of heating and air-conditioning through the reception lattice located before a windscreen and equipped обтекателем. Periodically clean apertures of a reception lattice from leaves and the other dust complicating passage of air.

Ventilation of salon of the car

The forced-air and exhaust ventilation system provides a constant exchange of air in car salon. The fresh external air arriving through a forward reception lattice, circulates on salon and then leaves through the exhaust outlets located near to back glass.

    a) Turn the handle of a regulator of temperature of air counter-clockwise against the stop. Check up, that air conditioner has been switched off;
    b) Establish the handle of switching of directions of giving of air in position. The mode of the closed air circulation should be switched off;
    c) By means of the handle of a choice of a high-speed mode of the fan establish demanded intensity of giving of air in car salon.

Air cooling in car salon

Salon cooling is made as follows:

    a) Include air conditioner, having pressed button "А/С", - the control lamp built in the switch should light up;
    b) Check up, that the handle of a regulator of temperature of air has been turned in extreme left position.
    c) Establish the handle of switching of directions of giving of air in position;
    d) At high humidity of external air include a mode of the closed circulation, at low humidity, - a mode of inflow of fresh air;
    e) By means of the handle of a choice of a high-speed mode of the fan establish demanded intensity of giving of air in salon.

If the car has staid long time for the sun and air in salon has strongly heated up, quickly to lower temperature in salon as follows:

    a) Start the engine;
    b) Include air conditioner. Check up, that the handle of a regulator of temperature of air has been turned in extreme left position;
    c) By means of the handle of a choice of a high-speed mode of the fan establish the maximum intensity of giving of air in salon;
    d) Partially slightly open windows and turn the handle of switching of a direction of distribution of air in position. Include a mode of inflow of fresh air.

After air temperature in salon will decrease to comprehensible level, close windows and establish a normal mode of an air conditioning.

Work of a central air of air leads to loading increase on the car engine, therefore it is necessary to watch closely an arrow of the index of temperature of a cooling liquid, moving with frequent stops and on small speed in the conditions of an intense city cycle, or overcoming long liftings of a considerable steepness. At approach of an arrow of the index to a red range of a scale, temporarily switch off air conditioner until the engine temperature will not return to norm.

Heating of salon of the car

To lift air temperature in car salon, execute following manipulations.

    a) Start the engine;
    b) Establish the handle of switching of directions of distribution of air in position. The mode of the closed air circulation should be switched off;
    c) By means of the handle of a choice of a high-speed mode of the fan establish demanded intensity of giving of air in salon;
    d) Turning the handle of a regulator of temperature of air in this or that party, establish desirable degree of heating of air.

Heating of salon with simultaneous drainage of air by means of the conditioner

At work of a central air humidity of air in car salon decreases, therefore simultaneous inclusion of systems of heating and air-conditioning allows to make air in car salon warm and dry.

    a) Include the fan;
    b) Include air conditioner;
    c) Establish the handle of switching of directions of distribution of air in position. The mode recycling air should be switched off.
    d) Turning the handle of a regulator of temperature of air in this or that party, establish desirable degree of heating of air arriving in salon. In the given mode cold air from the conditioner mixes up with warm air from a heater.

Joint inclusion of systems of heating and air conditioning can be applied in any traffic conditions, when air temperature above 0С.

Removal from condensate and hoarfrost glasses

To clear internal surfaces of glasses of the condensed moisture it is possible as follows:

    a) Include the fan;
    b) At a corresponding complete set of the car include air conditioner;
    c) Establish the handle of switching of directions of distribution of air in position.Режим the closed air circulation should be switched off. Some variants of execution of the car provide possibility of automatic inclusion of a mode of giving of fresh air and its conditioner by installation of the handle of switching of directions of distribution of air in position;
    d) Turn the handle of a regulator of temperature of air in such position that warm air moved through nozzles blowing a windscreen;
    e) Include an electroheater of back glass for faster removal of the condensed moisture from its surface. On some variants of execution of the car if the handle of switching of directions of distribution of air is in any position except, air conditioner remains included. For conditioner deenergizing press button A/S.

To remove from an external surface wind and lateral glasses hoarfrost or the ice formed after parking of the car in the street in frosty weather, execute following manipulations:

    a) Include ignition, having turned a key in the lock in position “ON” (II);
    b) Establish the handle of switching of directions of distribution of air in position. The mode of the closed air circulation should be switched off. Some variants of execution of the car provide possibility of automatic inclusion of a mode of giving of fresh air and the conditioner, by installation of the handle of switching of modes of a direction of distribution in position;
    c) Turn the handle of a regulator of temperature of air in extreme right position (the maximum heating of air) and include the fan for the maximum speed;
    d) Start the car engine.

For acceleration of clearing of a windscreen from hoarfrost or ice it is recommended to include a mode of the closed air circulation in very cold weather at first. After the windscreen will be released from наледи, renew giving of fresh air for the purpose of prevention запотевания glasses.

In a mode blowing glasses all submitted to air salon arrives through the slot-hole nozzles located from above on the panel of devices at the basis of a windscreen, and also through lateral ventilating deflectors panels of devices. The temperature of air blowing in glasses, and speed of clearing of glasses increase in process of engine warming up. For acceleration of process of removal from a windscreen of a condensate, hoarfrost or ice it is possible to close lateral ventilating deflectors.

Management principle дефлекторами panels of devices

In this case all air will go exclusively on having blown in a windscreen.

From safety reasons it is not necessary to begin movement until all windows of the car will not be cleared of a condensate, and to the driver the adequate review will not be provided.

Deenergizing of systems of heating and ventilation

Temporarily to disconnect heating and ventilation systems, turn handles of regulators of a high-speed mode of the fan and air temperature in the extreme left positions.

Necessity for switching-off of systems arises in the first some minutes after engine start in cold weather as it provides faster warming up of the engine to temperature, sufficient for effective functioning of a heater. In all other cases hold the fan constantly included in avoidance of a stagnation of air in salon.