Subaru Forester

1997-2005 of release

Repair and car operation

Subaru Forester
+ Cars Subaru Forester
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Gear change box
- Coupling, трансмиссионная a line
   Coupling - the general information and check of a condition of components
   Removal, check of a condition of components and installation of the main cylinder of coupling
   Removal and installation of the executive cylinder of coupling
   Removal of air from a hydraulic path of a drive of deenergizing of coupling
   Forward power shafts - the general information
   Removal, service and installation of forward power shafts
   Removal and installation of assemblage of a rotary fist, service ступичной assemblages
   Back power shafts - the general information
   Removal, service and installation of back power shafts
   Removal, service and installation of a back nave
   Back differential - the general information
   Removal and installation карданного a shaft
   Removal and installation of a flange of a leading gear wheel of differential and epiploon
   Removal and installation of back differential
   Differential major repairs
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Removal, service and installation of forward power shafts



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

2. Remove forward wheels.
3. Расчеканьте also give ступичную a nut.
4. Remove a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability.
5. Remove from a casing of a rotary fist wheel gauge ABS.
6. Remove from a rotary fist a support of the brake mechanism and tie up its wire to suspension bracket elements, without disconnecting hydraulic lines.
7. Remove a brake disk.
8. From the internal end of a shaft beat out a cylindrical pin of its fastening to a transmission shaft.
9. Take шплинт and give a nut of fastening of a tip of steering draught.
10. By means of a suitable stripper liberate a tip of steering draught from assemblage of a rotary fist.
11. Чертилкой mark head position развального a bolt, then turn out bolts of fastening of assemblage of a rotary fist to a suspension bracket rack.
12. Turn out a coupling bolt and liberate a spherical support from the bottom lever of a suspension bracket.
13. By means of a stripper (926470000) and оправки (92714000) liberate a pin of a power shaft from a rotary fist.

Liberation of a pin of a power shaft from assemblage of a rotary fist

1  — the  Stripper
2  —  Opravka




1. Mark adjusting position of the SHRUS on power shaft assemblage.
2. Straighten the bent ends of bandage tapes of fastening of a protective cover of an internal SHRUS. By means of a screw-driver or flat-nose pliers ослабьте bandage tapes, - try not to damage a cover.
3. Remove a cover from the case of the internal hinge.
4. Having hooked, remove a lock ring of an external holder of an internal SHRUS.
5. Remove an external holder of the hinge from a shaft pin.
6. Remove greasing and liberate balls or pins триподной assemblages, - preliminary mark positions of pins concerning free rings.
7. Shift a separator to a protective cover.
8. Remove a lock ring and dismantle an internal holder of the hinge.
9. Remove from a pin of a shaft a separator or крестовину триподной assemblages.
10. Wrap up шлицы a shaft a protective layer of an adhesive tape and remove a cover of an internal SHRUS.
11. Release bandage tapes and remove from a shaft a protective cover of an external SHRUS.

The external hinge is not subject to regenerative repair and in case of failure меняв gathering with shaft.

Check of a condition of components


1. Attentively examine components of the internal hinge on presence of signs of jamming, traces of development of corrosion and mechanical damages. Estimate degree of deterioration of the SHRUS on size internal люфта assemblages.
2. Check up a shaft condition.
3. Make sure of absence of cracks, cuts and signs of ageing of a material of rubber protective covers.
4. Replace defective components.



1. Shaft assemblage is made in an order, the return to an order of dismantle of its components. Fill in a cavity of assemblage and a protective cover of an external SHRUS 60 70 gramme of greasing of type NTG2218. Establish a protective cover and tighten bandage tapes of its fastening by means of the special adaptation (9250910000).
2. Track, that the separator has been planted on a shaft by cut outside. At landing of a separator to an internal holder achieve combination of its paths with ledges of last, then develop a separator on a half-turn.
3. Fill in an external holder шарнирной assemblages approximately 80 90 grammes of greasing Molylex No 2 - for РКПП or Yellow VU-3A702 - for АТ. Plant a separator and balls, then establish a lock ring.
4. In regular intervals distribute still nearby 20 30 grammes of greasing on internal walls of a protective cover, - track, that sponges of a cover and a flute under their landing to the hinge case remained free from greasing.
5. At hinge assemblage триподного type track correctness of combination of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle. Do not forget to establish a lock ring.

In a cover jams a bit more greasings: 30 40 grammes, - use greasing of type NTG2218.



1. Fill the external end of a shaft in assemblage of a rotary fist, - take advantage of the special adaptation (922431000) and оправкой (927390000).
2. The further installation is made in an order, the return to a dismantle order, - do not forget to make in case of need replacement of protective covers of SHRUS and to grease sealing sponges of an epiploon of transmission.
3. Having finished installation, squeeze out a foot brake, tighten with demanded effort and зачеканьте ступичную a nut.

The cylindrical pin of fastening of the internal end of a shaft is subject to replacement without fail!