Subaru Forester

1997-2005 of release

Repair and car operation

Subaru Forester
+ Cars Subaru Forester
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
- The engine
   Design features and principle of functioning of the engine, - the general information and adjustment клапанных backlashes
   Major repairs and engine service - the general information
   Check of pressure of oil
   Check компрессионного pressure in cylinders
   Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with vacuum gauge application
   Removal of the power unit from the car - preparation and safety measures
   Removal and engine installation
   Alternative variants of schemes of regenerative repair of the engine
   Order of dismantling of the engine by its preparation for major repairs
   Dismantling of drive ГРМ, - removal, check of a condition and installation of components
   Removal, dismantling, check, assemblage and axis installation коромысел, - engines SOHC
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of camshafts
   Service of heads of cylinders
   Service of the block of cylinders
   Greasing system - the general information
   Removal, service and installation
   Removal, check and installation маслоохладителя - only engines DOHC
   Trial start and обкатка the engine after major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Gear change box
+ Coupling, трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment золотой браслет на руку женский

Service of heads of cylinders


The inlet pipeline


1. Remove ручейковый a belt of a drive of the generator (Routine maintenance see the Head).
2. Remove the steering pump.
3. Remove the generator and the compressor of the conditioner of air with basic arms.
4. Disconnect from the block of cylinders hoses, branch pipes and electroconducting. Remove arms of contact sockets.
5. Remove gauges of position of cranked and distributive shaft, and also the detonation gauge.
6. On engines DOHC remove a broad tank of system of cooling.
7. Turn out fixing bolts and remove assemblage of the inlet pipeline with a sealing lining.
8. Remove a branch pipe охладительного a path.
9. Remove components of drive ГРМ (the Section Dismantling of drive ГРМ see, - removal, check of a condition and installation of components).
10. Uncover heads of cylinders and components of a drive of valves (see Has undressed Removal, check of a condition and installation of camshafts).

Head of cylinders

Order отдавания bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders on engines SOHC

Order отдавания bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders on engines DOHC


1. Turn out a bolt of fastening of a directing tube probeа measurements of impellent oil (only for the left head of cylinders).
2. Operating in strictly certain order, give bolts of fastening of a head (begin with left).

Bolts (1) and (4) leave wrapped on three-four coils for the purpose of head deduction.

3. Remove a head and its sealing lining.
4. Operating in a similar manner, remove the right head of cylinders.


Details of installation of components клапанного the mechanism on models SOHC

1  —  Final valves
2  —  Inlet valves
3  —  Maslootrazhatelnyj a cap of the inlet valve
4  —  Klapannye of a spring
5  —  Plates клапанных springs
6  —  Crackers of cutting locks
7  —  Maslootrazhatelnyj a cap of the final valve
8  — an  axis Support коромысел

9  — an  axis Support коромысел
10  — an  axis Support коромысел
11  — the  Axis коромысел
12  —  Hydroproof-readers клапанных backlashes
13  —  Koromysla of a drive of inlet valves
14  —  Koromysla of a drive of final valves
15  —  Springs

After compression клапанной springs crackers of the cutting lock can be taken by means of tweezers or a magnetised screw-driver

Extraction of crackers is made through sample in a wall оправки the tool for compression of springs


1. Uncover heads of cylinders.
2. On engines SOHC take assemblage of an axis of a drive коромысел (see Has undressed Removal, dismantling, check, assemblage and axis installation коромысел, - engines SOHC). Remove a camshaft with a support (see Has undressed Removal, check of a condition and installation of camshafts).
3. By means of the special adaptation serially compress клапанные springs and take crackers of cutting locks. Remove клапанные springs, маслоотражательные caps and valves, - try not to damage working edges маслоотражательных caps.

Removed components with a view of simplification of the subsequent assemblage should be put in the organised order!

4. In case of need from the left head of cylinders remove заглушку a camshaft.

Check of a condition of components

Moulding of a head of cylinders


1. Check up head moulding on presence of cracks and other damages.
2. By means of a measuring instrument плосткостности (the steel ruler put on an edge) and probeа лезвийного type define size неплоскостности an interfaced surface of a head of cylinders. If the result of measurement exceeds limiting admissible value (Specifications see) a head it is necessary to give in проточку.

Remember that the development reason неплоскостности an interfaced surface non-uniformity of a tightening of bolts of fastening of a head can be!

Saddles of valves

Geometrical parametres of saddles of valves

W  —  Width запорной saddle facets



Estimate a condition of facets клапанных saddles. In case of need make restoration of working surfaces by проточки, or processings of facets by a grinding stone.

At replacement of directing plugs of valves processing of facets is made without fail. Geometrical parametres of saddles of valves are shown on an accompanying illustration, compare actual characteristics to requirements of Specifications, in case of need make corresponding regenerative repair.

Directing plugs of valves

Выпрессовывание directing plugs of valves it is made by means of the special adaptation

1  — the  Adaptation for выпрессовывания directing plugs of valves


Landing of the directing plug is made with application of the special calibrated terminator of size выступания

1  —  Size выступания the directing plug
2  — the  Calibrated terminator
3  — the  Directing plug



1. Define size of a backlash of landing of the valve in the directing plug. The backlash can be calculated by subtraction of external diameter of a core of the valve from internal diameter of the plug, - measurements make by means of a micrometer.
2. Compare results of calculations to demanded effort, - at their exit for limits of an admissible range of the plug are subject to replacement.
3. For replacement of directing plugs develop a head combustion chambers upwards. Plugs выпрессовываются from a head by means of the special adaptation.
4. Turn a head an interfaced surface downwards and establish the calibrated terminator of size выступания plugs. Make sure of absence of cracks in walls of nests under landing of plugs.
5. Preliminary having greased with pure impellent oil, enclose the new directing plug in оправку the special tool. Fill a core of the tool in the plug and запрессуйте last заподлицо with a face surface of the calibrated terminator. Make sure that the size выступания the new plug does not fall outside the limits an admissible range (Specifications see).
6. By means of development (499767400 - for engines SOHC and 499767500 - for engines DOHC) develop an aperture of the directing plug, - cautiously rotating the development greased with impellent oil clockwise and slightly pressing, enter it in the plug. At development extraction it is necessary to continue to rotate it in a former direction (clockwise). Having finished working out, remove from shaving plugs. If during plug working out its internal surface remains shining and there is no shaving, replace development or make its editing.

If on an internal surface of the directing plug there are teases, they can be removed by means of grinding бруска.

7. In summary still check up the form of working facets of saddles of valves.

Inlet and final valves

Geometrical parametres of plates of valves

Н  — the  Corbel



1. Attentively examine plates cores of valves. In case of revealing of defects, deformations or deterioration replace the valve.
2. The valve also is subject to replacement if width of a cylindrical part of its plate, - the corbel, - appears below the limiting admissible value stipulated in Specifications.
3. If valves are in a satisfactory condition, it is necessary to make their grinding in to the saddles. Grinding in is carried out with application of special abrasive paste. Also it is made before occurrence on a surface of a facet of an equal continuous ring of matte colouring.
4. Having finished grinding in, carefully remove all traces of an abrasive and establish new маслоотражательные caps.

After grinding in each valve appears "is adhered" to a concrete saddle!

Klapannye springs


1. Check up клапанные springs on presence of mechanical damages.
2. Measure length of springs in a free condition and under loading. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications. The defective and given springs replace.
3. For check торцовки its springs should be established vertically on a flat surface and to measure size of a deviation from a vertical by means of a square. Springs with infringement торцовки also are subject to replacement.

Maslootrazhatelnye caps


1. Replacement маслоотражательных caps is made at deterioration of their working edges, at displacement or loss распорных springs, and also after restoration of working surfaces of valves and replacement of directing plugs.
2. Landing of new caps to acting parts of directing plugs is made by means of special оправки after preliminary greasing by their pure impellent oil.

Caps of inlet and final valves differ on a standard size and can be identified on colour marks. So, the rubber basis of caps of inlet valves has black colour, final - brown. The spring part of all caps has white colour.



1. Establish заглушку in moulding of the left head of cylinders.
2. Grease cores of valves with pure impellent oil, then accurately fill valves in the directing plugs, - try not to damage working edges маслоотражательных caps.
3. Establish клапанные springs and their plates.

Track, that springs were established by coils with the truncated step to a head!

4. By means of the special tool serially compress springs of all valves and plant in reception flutes on cores crackers of cutting locks, - time (to отпускания springs) fixing of crackers can be provided by means of dab консистентной greasings.

Release the tool compressing a spring it is necessary to release slowly and cautiously!

5. Having finished installation of crackers, slightly обстучите a spring a hammer with soft brisk for усадки components.
6. On engines SOHC establish into place a camshaft with a support and an axis коромысел a drive of valves.
7. Establish a cover of a head of cylinders.


Head of cylinders

Order of a tightening of bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders on engines DOHC (the text see)

1  — the  Head of cylinders
2  —  Bolts of fastening of a head
3  — the  Bolt of fastening of a directing tube measuring probeа



1. Having replaced a sealing lining, establish a head of cylinders on the regular place on the block.
2. Grease carving parts of fixing bolts, the bottom surfaces of their heads and a washer with impellent oil.
3. Screw bolts and tighten them in strictly certain order (see more low), with effort of 29 Nanometers. Operating in a former order tighten fixture with effort of the second stage (69 Nanometers). At last stage of a tightening it is necessary to release all bolts on 180 , then to turn on the same corner back.
4. On engines SOHC the tightening is made in a following order: at first tighten bolts (1) and (2) with effort of 34 Nanometers, then bolts (3), (4), (5) and (6) with effort of 15 Nanometers. Further hold on all bolts as their numbering for 80 90 (no more) than degrees.
5. On engines DOHC at first tighten bolts (1) and (2) with effort of 36.8 Nanometers, then bolts (3), (4), (5) and (6) with effort of 20 Nanometers. Then hold on all bolts as numbering on 80 90 (no more) than degrees.
6. At the final stage on all engines it is necessary to hold on bolts for 80 90 degrees.

The total corner дотягивания at last two stages should not exceed bolts 180 !

7. Tighten a bolt of fastening of a directing tube probeа measurements of level of impellent oil.
8. On engines SOHC establish into place components of drive ГРМ (the Section Dismantling of drive ГРМ see, - removal, check of a condition and installation of components).

The inlet pipeline

Engines SOHC


1. Establish a branch pipe охладительного a path, - do not forget to replace sealing linings.
2. Establish the inlet pipeline, - also replace linings.
3. Establish the gauge of position of a cranked shaft and the detonation gauge, - before installation of gauges it is necessary to blow their compressed air for the purpose of removal of sawdust and other extraneous particles.
4. Connect electroconducting, - track reliability of fastening of sockets in the arms.
5. Restore initial connection to the block of cylinders of hoses and branch pipes.
6. Establish the generator and compressor K/V with the basic arms.
7. Establish the steering pump.
8. Establish ручейковый приводной a belt.

Engines DOHC


1. Establish camshafts, covers of a head of cylinders and accompanying components.
2. Establish components of drive ГРМ (the Section Dismantling of drive ГРМ see, - removal, check of a condition and installation of components).
3. Establish a branch pipe охладительного a path, - do not forget to replace a lining.
4. Having replaced sealing linings, establish on the place the inlet pipeline.
5. Establish a broad tank of system of cooling.
6. Establish gauges of position of cranked both distributive shaft and the detonation gauge, - before installation of gauges it is necessary to blow their compressed air for the purpose of removal of sawdust and other extraneous particles.
7. Connect electroconducting, - track reliability of fastening of sockets in the arms.
8. Restore initial connection to the block of cylinders of hoses and branch pipes.
9. Establish the generator and compressor K/V with the basic arms.
10. Establish the steering pump.
11. Establish ручейковый приводной a belt.