Subaru Forester

1997-2005 of release

Repair and car operation

Subaru Forester
+ Cars Subaru Forester
+ The maintenance instruction
- Routine maintenance
   The schedule of routine maintenance of cars Subaru Forester
   The general information
   The general data on options and adjustments
   Check of levels of liquids
   Check of a condition of tyres and pressure of their rating
   Level check трансмиссионного oils РКПП
   Check of level ATF and liquids of forward differential of automatic transmission
   Check of level of a liquid of the hydraulic booster of a wheel
   Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
   Check, service and gymnastics of the storage battery
   Check of a condition of components of system of cooling
   Check of a condition and replacement of the hoses located in an impellent compartment
   Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Rotation of wheels
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering drive
   Greasing of components of the chassis
   Check of a condition of components of system of release of the fulfilled gases
   Check of level of greasing in a distributing box of all-wheel drive models
   Check of level of greasing of back differential
   Check of a condition of seat belts
   Check and adjustment of turns and structure of a mix of idling
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Check and replacement of the valve of system of operated ventilation картера (PCV) (at a corresponding complete set of the car)
   Replacement of a filtering element of an air cleaner
   Condition check, adjustment of effort of a tension and replacement drivers belts
   Check of a condition of components of the power supply system
   Check of brake system
   Adjustment of pedals of a foot brake and coupling
   Check of a condition and replacement of spark plugs
   Check of a condition and replacement of components of system of ignition
   Service of system of cooling (опорожнение, washing and refuelling)
   Replacement ATF of automatic transmission
   Replacement трансмиссионного oils РКПП
   Replacement of greasing of a distributing box (all-wheel drive models)
   Replacement of greasing of differential
   Check of a condition of components of system of catching of fuel evaporations
   Check of serviceability of a condition of components of system recycling the fulfilled gases (EGR)
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Gear change box
+ Coupling, трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Check and adjustment of turns and structure of a mix of idling

Check and adjustment of turns and structure of a mix of idling (each 25 000 km of run or time in 12 months)

Idling turns


On models MFI equipped with system of onboard diagnostics OBD-II a deviation of turns of idling from face value usually it appears connected with infringement of serviceability of functioning of valve IAC (Heads of the Power supply system and release and the Control system of the engine see.


1. As idling turns is called frequency of rotation of the engine at the released pedal of an accelerator. The given parametre is among critical, defining both engine work in general, and serviceability of functioning of its various subsystems.
2. Check up correctness of installation and serviceability of a condition of an air cleaner and all vacuum lines. Make sure of absence of signs of leaks in an inlet air path. Estimate a condition of spark plugs, - in case of need make replacement.
3. Cock a lay brake and prop up wheels противооткатными boots. Disconnect all onboard consumers of the electric power and check up correctness of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (the engine Electric equipment see the Head).
4. Demanded accuracy of measurement of frequency of rotation of the engine at installation of its single turns it is capable to provide only дистанционно a connected digital tachometre, - device connection make strictly according to instructions of manufacturers.

The system of ignition of the engines equipped with system of distributed injection (MFI) provides giving ВВ of impulses simultaneously on candles of 1st and 2nd cylinders that it is necessary to consider as some tachometres can give out the doubled indications in such situation.

On models with a turbo-supercharging check of turns of idling is made by means of the diagnostic scanner (a functional mode “F04”).

5. The engine should be heated-up to normal working temperature that guarantees automatic switching-off of fast idling.
6. Make sure that transmission is translated on neutral transfer (РКПП) / established in position “Р” (АТ).
7. Lift frequency of rotation of the engine to 2500 rpm and keep it on this value during 1 3 minutes. Having released заслонку, dump turns to single and consider the measuring instrument indication.
8. The information on adjustments of turns of idling can be gathered from the data of the car of label VECI fixed in an impellent compartment.

In case of different interpretations with requirements of Specifications should give preference the data with VECI.

Idling mix (except the models equipped catalytic with the converter)

On the models equipped catalytic with the converter concentration WITH in fulfilled gases to definition and updating does not give in.

Check and adjustment


1. Make sure of serviceability of a condition of a filtering element of an air cleaner, the spark plugs, all hoses put in an impellent compartment, check up correctness of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition, track, that that transmission has been translated on neutral transfer (РКПП) / established in position “Р” or “N” (АТ).
2. Warm up the engine to normal working temperature, - the fan of system of cooling should join.
3. By means of a gas analyzer define percentage in the fulfilled gases монооксида carbon (WITH). Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications.
4. In case of need make corresponding updating by means of the adjusting screw of the gauge of measurement of an air stream.

Site of the screw of adjustment of structure of a mix of idling

1 — the Measuring instrument of an air stream
2 — the Screw of updating of structure of a mix